Documentation Description File Syntax

In the Source Documentation Definition (SDD) file you can define the strings that

  • starts embedded documentation, Keyword is StartString Missing definition will lead to =pod which is the usual Perl documentation start string
  • finishes a section of embedded documentation Keyword is EndString. Missing definition will lead to =cut which is the usual Perl documentation end string
  • how each line between should be transformed, e.g. chomp off leading C from FORTRAN comments, Keyword is PreprocessComment. Default value is do nothing.
  • you can define a single PreprocessComment, but you can have several PreprocessDocLine having the same effect.
  • directory where the source files are, Keyword is SourceRoot Default is the current directory.
  • directory where the resulting html files should be put, Keyword is DocRoot Default is the current directory.
  • directory where the resulting code files should be put. Keyword is CodeRoot. Default is not to produce code output.
  • which line to strip from the code output. Keyword is StripLine. You can use this keyword more than once. If there are more than one StripLine strings defined they will be evaluated in the order they present in the SDD file for each code line that is not an esd comment. If any of the StripLine strings results true, the rest is ignored and the actual line is stripped from the code file.
  • how to preprocess each code line that is not an esd comment line. Keyword is PreprocessLine. You can use this keyword more than once. If there are more than one PreprocessLine strings defined they will be evaluated in the order they present in the SDD file for each code line that is not an esd comment. The resulting string will be put into the code file.
  • default html file name, usually Default of index, which you do not want to use as a section name, Keyword is Default. Default value is main.
  • extension for html files, usually htm or html. Keyword is Html. Default value is HTML
  • you can define the font face and size for the generated text. Keywords are FontFace and FontSize
  • you can define the font size for the titles and for the verbatim text. Keywords are TitleFontSize and TTFontSize.

The files that belong to the package are listed between the lines Files and End. Each line defines a file name with full path relative to SourceRoot and with extension. After the file and the = sign the directory should be specified, where the sections from the file will be put. The directory should be given relative to DocRoot.

The last thing give in the SDD file is the package main section. The lines of this section are between the lines Package and End

For a good example see the esd2html.sdd file.